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Sciences Job Sites
| CRA Consultant Jobs http://www.craconsultant.com/ Find CRA consultant, CRA consulting, CRA employment, management consultant jobs and CRA resume. Search small business consulting, ca consultant jobs, management consultancy, SEO consultant jobs and consulting firms on CRAConsultant.com |
PR: 0
| Clinical Data Management Jobs http://www.jobsinclinicaldatamanagement.com/ Find clinical data manager jobs, medical research jobs. search careers in clinical data management, clinical research jobs, careers and employment on JobsInClinicalDataManagement.com |
PR: 0
| Research Marketing Jobs http://www.researchmarketingjobs.com/ Find research marketing jobs, market research jobs, market research analyst jobs and market research manager jobs. Search part time market research jobs, market research contract jobs and market research position on ResearchMarketingJobs.com |
| BayBio http://www.baybio.org/ In 2006, BayBio divided its activities into two organizations: BayBio and the BayBio Institute. BayBio focuses on improving business conditions in the industry through our purchasing programs, events and advocacy as a 501(c)(6) trade association. |
| BioFlorida http://www.bioflorida.com As the statewide trade association for the bioscience industry, BioFlorida was formed to advance Florida’s life sciences cluster, and represents approximately 200 member companies/organizations in the state of Florida. |
| Biohealthmatics.com http://www.biohealthmatics.com/ Welcome to biohealthmatics.com – the best place on the Internet for jobs and career advice in biomedical informatics. Biomedical informatics is made up principally of two fields – bioinformatics and medical informatics, which is now being called health informatics. |
| BioHouston http://www.biohouston.org/ BioHouston is the hub of an active and growing life science cluster. Academic and research institutions connect with life science companies and service providers to build successful companies and products that save and improve lives. |
| biosciregister.com http://biosciregister.4jobs.com/ Find the perfect job at biosciregister.com. Search jobs, post your resume and take advantage of all the free career tools for job seekers. Employers - Get started today by posting your available jobs and begin your search for the ideal candidate. |
| BioTechJobCafe.com http://www.biotechjobcafe.com/ BioTech Job Cafe provides job seekers the ability to quickly and easily contact companies with available biotech jobs in all specialties. You can search our database of jobs, get e-mail alerts when new jobs are posted that match your requirements, and control what information employers and recruiters see about you. |
PR: 4
| BiotechEmployment.com http://www.biotechemployment.com/ Biotech Employment.com includes Biotech jobs from across the U.S. Review Biotech salaries, post your resume. |
PR: 4
| BiotechJobs http://www.biotechjobs.co.il/ BiotechJobs.co.il is the Internet’s leading recruitment portal for the Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical, Medical Devices and Life Sciences industries in Israel. |
| BiotechnologyJobs.com http://www.biotechnologyjobs.com/ BiotechnologyJobs.com was founded in 2002 with a vision of providing an efficient, high value recruiting service specifically for the biotech, pharmaceutical, medical device and diagnostics industries, at a cost that makes it easy to engage our services on a routine basis. |
PR: 6
| CanBiotech Inc http://www.canbiotech.com/ The founders of CanBiotech from institutions including M.I.T, Harvard, Brown, McGill, University of Waterloo and University of Toronto, aim to create a central hub for the bio-medical industry through its portals and marketplaces, with equal, yet distinct representation of each of the bio-medical sectors: therapeutics/biopharmaceuticals, agrifood, devices/diagnostics. |
| FierceBiotech http://www.fiercebiotech.com Read the latest biotechnology articles on biotech industry leaders, emerging biotech companies, FDA decisions, VC deals, and other biotech industry news. |
| General Dynamics http://www.gendyn.com Since the inception of our formal ethics program in 1986, we have maintained a Standards of Business Ethics and Conduct handbook that applies to all employees. |
PR: 4
| InterTech Science Park http://www.intertechsciencepark.com InterTech Science Park is a major economic development initiative sponsored by the Biomedical Research Foundation of Northwest Louisiana (BRF). The BRF was established in 1986 in response to the collapse of the oil industry with a goal of diversifying the region's extraction-based economy to include knowledge-based industries. |
| Massachusetts Biotechnology Council http://www.massbio.org/ The Massachusetts Biotechnology Education Foundation (MassBioEd), founded in 2001, is a non-profit charitable organization committed to supporting science and biotechnology education in Massachusetts through school programs, workforce training, and lifelong learning. |
PR: 6
| New York Biotechnology Association http://www.nyba.org The New York Biotechnology Association is a not-for-profit trade association dedicated to the development and growth of New York State based biotechnology related industries and institutions, and to strengthening the competitiveness of New York State as a premier global location for biotechnology/biomedical research, education and industry. |
| North Carolina Research Campus http://www.ncresearchcampus.net The NCRC is located in the city of Kannapolis, just north of Charlotte. In the 20th century, Kannapolis was home to Cannon Mills, the largest manufacturer of sheets and towels in the world. |
| Pennsylvania Bio http://www.pabio.org/ The mission of Pennsylvania Bio is to ensure Pennsylvania is the global leader in the biosciences by creating a cohesive community that unites our biotechnology, medical device, diagnostic, pharmaceutical, research, and financial strengths. |
| Pharmaopportunities http://www.pharmaopportunities.com/ Pharmaopportunities is the Internet's leading job and networking portal for the Life Science and Healthcare industry. Our goal is to reduce the total cost per hire and reduce cycle time of life science and healthcare companies by providing them with the tools and resources they need to find experienced and qualified professionals. |
| Bio Careers http://biocareers.com/ Bio Careers is the first and only career service dedicated to expanding professional options for life science PhDs and MDs. The service provides online career resources and job postings to post-graduate and alumni candidates, and recruitment services to employers. |
| Thescientist http://the-scientist.com/ The Scientist is the magazine for life science professionals—a print and digital publication dedicated to covering a wide range of topics central to the study of cell and molecular biology, genetics, and other life-science fields. |