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| American Academy Of Podiatric Practice Management http://www.aappm.org/ Welcome to the Web site for the American Academy of Podiatric Practice Management (AAPPM) - the premier educational and informational practice management association in podiatry for over 40 years. |
PR: 5
| Baldwin County, Alabama Economic Development Alliance http://www.baldwineda.com/ WHEN THE LEADERS of our County decided in 1995 to form the Baldwin County Economic Development Alliance, some lofty goals were set |
PR: 4
| Business Development Asia, LLC http://www.bdallc.com BDA was established in 1996. Since then we have assisted numerous multinational corporations and financial investors to increase strategic value by bringing to bear our knowledge and expertise on transactions and alliances between companies in Asia and the West. |
| CAI-Greater Los Angeles Chapter http://www.cai-glac.org/ CAI-GLAC is the Greater Los Angeles Chapter of CAI, a national, nonprofit 501(c)(6) association created in 1973 to educate and represent America's 205,000 residential condominium, cooperative and homeowner associations and related professionals and service providers. The Institute is dedicated to fostering vibrant, responsive, competent community associations that promote harmony, community and responsible leadership. |
| Chamber of Commerce of Cape Coral http://www.capecoralchamber.com Cape Coral is a vibrant and friendly community with all the beauty that you expect from Southwest Florida. With over 400 miles of salt and fresh water canals, it is a boaters "Paradise". |
| Dealbreaker http://dealbreaker.com/ DealBreaker covers the personalities and culture that shape the financial industry, offering original commentary, news and entertainment. DealBreaker is published by Breaking Media. |
| Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce http://www.greatermiami.com/ The Greater Miami Chamber is the voice of business in South Florida, representing more than 400,000 employees of member companies. |
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| i-staff http://www.i-staff.com/ |
| Nacm Tampa, Inc. http://www.nacmtampa.com We are an NACM association (an employee owned ESOP) with an internet based system, providing credit exchange to members on a secured environment. Real time credit reports, alerts, historical data and meeting preparation are automated and online. |
| National Business Officers Association http://www.nboa.net/ NBOA is the only national association that solely supports the role of the independent school business officer and focuses on financial and operational solutions for independent schools. |
PR: 4
| World Trade Center Delaware http://www.wtcde.com/ World Trade Center Delaware is a private-sector, non-profit organization helping companies succeed in the international marketplace. We work with importers, exporters, products and services. |
| AAF Birmingham http://www.aafbirmingham.com/ The mission of AAF Birmingham is to promote excellence in advertising through professional education, networking, community service, ethics, quality and creativity. |
PR: 5
| Crandall Public Library http://www.crandalllibrary.org/ Welcome to the Crandall Public Library online! This is the virtual branch of your library. It's strengths, services and programs reflect the commitment made by the residents of the municipalities that comprise the Crandall Public Library District: the Towns of Queensbury and Moreau and the City of Glens Falls. |
| Bertelsmann http://www.createyourowncareer.com A transparent and responsible handling of its history is vital for Bertelsmann. Dealing openly with the past allows us to tackle the entrepreneurial challenges of the future with equanimity and self-confidence. |
| Devex http://www.devex.com Devex began as a student project at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government in the year 2000. Today, our social enterprise has become the largest provider of business intelligence and recruitment services to the development community |
PR: 4
| Don Brown Bus Sales, Inc. http://www.buscrazy.net/ We exist for the purpose of delivering the Best-In-Class Vehicles, Parts, and Customer Service, one customer at a time, for the transportation industry. Professionalism, continuous high standards, and gaining the trust of our customer base is—and will continue to be—the Cornerstone for our Business. |
PR: 3
| HWH Public Relations http://www.hwhpr.com/ HWH PR is an energetic company with vast PR expertise. Lois Whitman and Eliot Hess are co owners. Our clients range from the 30th largest company in the world to small start-up ventures. |
| California Inland Empire Chapter 57 http://www.irwachapter57.org/ We serve Riverside and San Bernardino counties in Southern California. In this website you will find information about our Chapter, its officers and members. |
PR: 4
| LISTnet http://www.listnet.org/ The objective of LISTnet is to promote Long Island as one of the national centers of excellence for Software and Technology solutions. |