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Energy Job Sites
PR: 5
| EnergyCentralJobs.com http://www.energycentraljobs.com EnergyCentralJobs.com is the preeminent on-line job resource serving top candidates and leading power companies worldwide. Dedicated to the global power industry, EnergyCentralJobs.com leverages its outstanding web presence through its parent company, Energy Central. |
PR: 5
| Association of Energy Services Professionals http://www.aesp.org/ AESP provides professional development programs, a network of energy practitioners, and promotes the transfer of knowledge and experience. |
| Energy Jobs Network http://www.energyjobsnetwork.com Energy Jobs Network - Free resume posting, job searches, and HR resources for the oil, natural gas, broadband, electricity, power, and alternative energy sectors. |
| Energy Jobs Portal http://www.energyjobsportal.com The Energy Jobs Portal is an online job resource serving employers and job seekers in all sectors of the energy community. The online platform offers a focused, user-friendly connection point for highly qualified candidates and employers needing to position new job opportunities in the energy industry. |
PR: 4
| EnergyJobs.com http://www.energyjobs.com/ |
PR: 4
| Blue Grass Energy http://www.bgenergy.com Cooperatives are a unique form of business. They are organized to provide electric service using non-profit principles. There are no stockholders in an electric cooperative. |
PR: 4
| Colorado Solar Energy Industries Association http://www.coseia.org/ Established in 1989, Colorado Solar Energy Industries Association (COSEIA) is the award-winning nonprofit association leading Colorado's solar industry. |
PR: 5
| Electric Energy Publications Inc. http://www.electricenergyonline.com/ Daily news coverage on Energy Efficiency, Smart Grid, Automation/IT, Renewable Energy, T&D, Generation of Electricity, Financial... |
PR: 2
| Energy Traffic Association http://www.energytraffic.org/ The Energy Traffic Association (ETA) is a non-profit educational association of logistics professionals in the energy industry. ETA was formed by the merger of two former trade associations, which served the oil and gas shippers and the oil and gas supplier industry since 1923 and 1941, respectively. |
| European Wind Energy Association http://www.ewea.org/ The European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) is the voice of the wind industry, actively promoting the utilisation of wind power in Europe and worldwide. It is ideally situated in the heart of the EU district of Brussels ensuring close proximity to European decision-makers. |
PR: 4
| Florida Psychological Association http://www.flapsych.com/ |
PR: 6
| International District Energy Association http://www.districtenergy.org/ The International District Energy Association (IDEA) is a nonprofit trade association founded in 1909 to facilitate the exchange of information among district energy professionals. |
PR: 6
| NAESCO, Inc http://www.naesco.org/ The National Association of Energy Service Companies is a national trade association which has been promoting the benefits of the widespread use of energy efficiency for over 25 years. |
| Oregon APEM http://oregonapem.org/ The Oregon Association of Professional Energy Managers was founded in 1982 as a partnership of business, government and utilities. Oregon APEM seeks to advance the understanding and practice of efficient energy use through forums, newsletters, facility tours, and face-to-face dialogue. |
| Professional Energy Jobs http://www.professionalenergyjobs.com/ Professional Energy Jobs has its roots in a frustrating job search. Disillusioned with conventional job search methods after her former employer closed the subsidiary she worked for, one of our founders decided that there had to be a better way to find a job in the energy industry. |
| Renewable Energy Association http://www.r-e-a.net/ The REA was established in 2001, not-for-profit trade association, to represent British renewable energy producers and promote the use of renewable energy in the UK. |
| RenewableEnergyWorld.com http://www.renewableenergyworld.com RenewableEnergyWorld.com was started in 1998 by a group of Renewable Energy professionals who wanted their work to relate to their passion for renewable energy. |
PR: 3
| San Miguel Power Association, Inc. http://www.smpa.com/ San Miguel Power Association, Inc. is a not-for-profit, member owned rural electric cooperative. It was established in 1938 for the purpose of supplying central station power to the rural farms and dwellings in the San Miguel Basin area, after these same people were denied service by Western Colorado Power. |