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Design Job Sites
| Design Director Jobs http://www.designdirectorjobs.com/ Find design director jobs, design manager jobs. Search careers in designing management, designing jobs, careers and employment on DesignDirectorJobs.com |
| Piping Designer Jobs http://www.pipingdesignerwork.com/ Find piping designer work, piping engineer jobs. Search careers in piping design, piping designer jobs, careers and employment on PipingDesignerWork.com |
| 3DJobs http://www.3djobs.com/ 3DjOBS is the creative and technical jobs free job-site in the Film & Animation, Video Game and Multimedia industries. 3DjOBS offers job searchers a convenient way to search through hundreds of jobs from one simple location. |
PR: 5
| American Institute of Building Design http://www.aibd.org/ Building a new home is a thrilling undertaking, one that represents the greatest investment most individuals will make. A specialist in residential home design is an outstanding partner to make sure you take advantage of the opportunities and avoid the pitfalls while creating your new house plans. |
PR: 5
| Association for Bridge Construction and Design http://www.abcdpittsburgh.org/ The Association for Bridge Construction and Design is a loyal group of interested educators, engineers, constructors and material suppliers. |
PR: 6
| JobTarget http://www.designengineerjobzone.com JobTarget, the largest third-party operator of niche job boards in the world, is the first company to offer an integrated cross-posting/job distribution solution with an analytics and strategy optimization solution built in. |
| Design-Build Institute of America http://www.dbia.org/ The Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) is an association of leaders in the design and construction industry utilizing design-build and integrated project delivery methods to achieve high performance projects. |
PR: 0
| Designer Marble & Contractor Services http://www.designermarble.com/ If you are not already familiar with cultured marble, it is a synthetic marble that is non porous which means it is easy to clean and maintain. Cultured marble is currently the best product available to use in a bathroom tub or shower surround. |
PR: 2
| EngineeringDesignJobs.com http://www.engineeringdesignjobs.com/ EngineeringDesignJobs.com is the nation's premier employment job board and resume database built exclusively for the engineering, design and building industries. |
| glycodesign.com http://www.glycodesign.com/ Get home listings information, home sales information, listings information at glycodesign.com, including related links and much much more |
| Indtai, Inc http://www.indtai.com/ Just as traders and merchants traveled the Silk Road in ancient times, and exchanged ideas that advanced business and culture, the professionals at Indtai strive to bring innovative solutions and new perspectives to our clients in the education and community services arenas. |
| International Interior Design Association http://www.iida.org/ IDA is a professional networking and educational Association of 13,000 Members in 10 specialty practice forums and 31 Chapters around the world. |
PR: 0
| Lisa Kaufman Designs http://www.lisakaufmandesigns.com Lisa Kaufman is a Southern California resident of 20 years, and a mother of two. Lisa started her jewelry design business in 1999. Her creations began after scouring the mall in search of a specific jewelry need. |
PR: 5
| Society for Design Administration http://www.sdadmin.org/ For over 50 years, the Society for Design Administration (SDA), an affiliate of The American Institute of Architects, has promoted education and best practices in management and professional standards of design firm administrative personnel. |
| American Design Drafting Association http://www.adda.org/ The American Design Drafting Association an international non-profit, professional membership and educational organization born in Bartlesville, Oklahoma in 1948. The organization was conceived by a dedicated and enthusiastic group of oil and gas piping drafters who were involved in various phases of design drafting. |
PR: 0
| Certified Pricing Professional Designation http://www.pricingsocietyjobs.com/ The Certified Pricing Professional designation (CPP) is a new multi-staged program designed to better support, educate, and elevate the pricing professional. This Designation represents years of specialized pricing training from leaders of the profession. |
| Newark Arts Council http://www.newarkarts.org/ The Newark Arts Council was created to advance and expand the artistic and cultural resources of the City of Newark, New Jersey. |
PR: 7
| Web Designer Wall http://webdesignerwall.com/ My name is Nick La (@nickla), Toronto-based web designer and illustrator. I design stock icons, WordPress themes, illustrations and CSS websites. I’ve spoke at Future of Web Design NYC (2008 & 2010), WordCamp Toronto 2009, Frontend 2010 (Oslo, Norway), and Mad in Spain 2011 (Madrid). |
PR: 6
| Women's Wear Daily http://www.wwd.com For 100 years, Women's Wear Daily (WWD), a property of Fairchild Fashion Media, has been the daily media of record - and THE industry voice of authority - for senior executives in the global women's and men's fashion, retail and beauty communities and the consumer media that cover the market. |