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Actuarial Job Sites
| Actuarial Jobs http://www.actuarialjobopenings.com/ Find actuarial job openings, insurance sales jobs. Search entry level actuarial jobs, financial jobs, careers and employment on ActuarialJobOpenings.com |
| Holden and Harlan Associates http://actuarialrecruiting.com/ Holden and Harlan specializes in actuarial placements nationwide and internationally. Our outstanding record is due in part to solid relationships with the leading companies and consulting firms. |
| Casualty Actuarial Society http://www.casact.org/ In the early 1900s in the United States, problems requiring actuarial treatment were emerging in sickness, disability, and casualty insurance-particularly in workers compensation, which was introduced in 1911. |
| Marine Recruitment Co. Ltd http://www.marine-recruitment.co.uk/ Marine Recruitment Co. A dedicated recruitment site for the global maritime industry - Direct input of CV's and Shipping jobs by employers and maritime professionals, both seagoing and ashore. |